12/14/2023 - Winter Concert
12/12/2023 - Great Things in Specials: December 2023
12/7/2023 - Fifth graders in Ms. Schmitt's class participated in painting our beautiful mural.
12/7/2023 - Fall Frenzy
12/7/2023 - The morning golf program is in "full swing".
12/7/2023 - Kindergarten students experiment with paper sculpture.
12/7/2023 - First grade students demonstrate knowledge of emotions in Spanish by creating faces with Play-doh.
12/7/2023 - Students participating in Rock, Paper, Scissor Hoops for the Fall Frenzy
12/7/2023 - Hour of Code
12/7/2023 - 'The Wild Horseman'
12/7/2023 - Physical Education Scooter Unit