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District Goals

East Quogue Union Free School District’s 2023-2024 Goals




Goal: Ensure a guaranteed and viable curriculum for all classes offered within the district.


Evidence of Success:

  1. Establish a district-wide English-Language Arts committee in order to enhance and align horizontally and vertically our ELA philosophy.
    1. Committee created in October
    2. American Reading Company (K-5) SpringBoard (6th)
    3. American Reading Company Accelerator (K-5) Interventions
  2. Grade specific entering and exiting criteria and/or overviews created for core subjects.
    1. Math Overviews Completed & On Website
  3. Grade level curriculum planning time.
    1. Kindergarten-Friday-8:15AM
    2. 1st Grade- Thursday-2:00PM
    3. 2nd Grade- Friday-8:15AM
    4. 3rd Grade- Friday-8:15AM
    5. 4th Grade- Friday-8:15AM
    6. 5th Grade- Thursday-8:15AM
    7. 6th Grade- Friday-8:15AM
  4. Completion of master schedule and rosters prior to the end of the school year. (ie) AIS & ENL
    1. Completed and shared June 2024
  5. Creation of a district-wide behavior matrix. (ie) behavioral consequences
    1. Committee created in January
    2. Code of Conduct Hearing (August 2024)
    3. Code of Conduct- Posted Under BOE Policies Upon Approval
    4. Plain Summary Language on Website
  6. Increased academic enrichment/support outside of the school day open to all students.
    1. Before/After School Academy Created- January 2024
    2. Social/Emotional Academy
    3. WildCAT Summer Camp
    4. Academic Summer Academy
  7. Enhanced RTI handbook with clear expectations and criteria district-wide.
    1. Handbook BOE Approved & On Website
  8. Installation of a cell-phone policy and parameters for all students.
    1. Included In Code of Conduct (Page 13)
  9. Addition of targeted clubs for students.
    1. WildCAT Club
  10. Consistent, relevant, and ongoing training prior to new initiatives.
    1. Atlas/Model Schools/SpringBoard/ARC/Co-Teaching
  11. Increase of core academic instruction time for students.
    1. Before and After School Academy
    2. Additional English Language Arts Minutes (120 Minutes 4 Days A Week)
  12. Develop and implement a mission and vision aligned with the New York State Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards.
    1. STEAM Curriculum/Ongoing
  13. Field trips provided for each grade level district wide. (At least one per grade)
    1. Kindergarten-2nd Grade- $2,000 Each
    2. 3rd-5th Grade- $7,250
    3. 6th Grade- $20,000 (Boston Field Trip)
  14. Utilizing external professional developers for instructional technology professional development.
    1. Model Schools- Promethean Board, Applications (Canvas, Blooket)
  15. Continue to offer supplemental academic instruction for eligible students in the summer while revising the EQ title 1 program.
    1. Title I program scheduled for 2024 summer.



Goal: Strengthen the relationships between and amongst students, parents, staff, and the community.


Evidence of Success:  

  1. Coordinating outside organization events in advanced as not to interrupt the educational process.
    1. Building Use Form For All Events
  2. Celebrating cultures that represent our school community.
    1. Culture Fair & Morning Announcements
  3. Providing stakeholders grade level specific overviews at the beginning of the year.
    1. Math- Completed
    2. Curriculum Review Cycle-Ongoing
  4. Increase our social media presence. (ie) Intermediate students.
    1. Facebook, Instagram, and Website
  5. District-wide enhanced and improved report card.
    1. Committee Created- October
    2. K-2/3rd & 4th/5th & 6th
  6. Providing stakeholder feedback prior to district wide decisions being made. (ie) Board of Education meeting and/or faculty meeting.
    1. Presentations provided to the community were provided to the faculty/staff prior.
  7. Allowing spaces for all voices.
    1. Open Door policy & offered invitation to meet and discuss areas of enhancements with all stakeholders.
  8. Utilizing Google calendar for all field trips with times, location, staff, and students attending.
    1. Internal school calendar updated for all faculty/staff.
  9. Inclusion of faculty/staff in all meetings district-wide.
    1. Invitation for all faculty and staff at all faculty and school improvement meetings.
  10. Student work/assessments celebrated and sent home weekly/bi-weekly for parental view.
    1. All faculty and staff encouraged to send home all assignments.



Goal: Enhance the infrastructure and instructional needs of the district while enhancing the safety of all students


Evidence of Success:

  1. Increasing environmentally friendly avenues to eliminate waste and improve our community. (ie) Solar Panels
    1. Energy Performance Contract-School Architect
  2. Updated curtain in the cafetorium.
    1. Completed in November 2023
  3. Increasing student friendly meals in the cafeteria.
    1. CEP Program-Addition of Breakfast.
    2. Meeting with Whitson’s, increase student friendly meals.
  4. Roster for all clubs and activities before and after school with dates, times, and dismissal areas.
    1. Google Document Created
  5. Additional staff for substitute positions, such as teacher and custodian.
    1. OLAS Postings/Social Media
  6. Support staff aware of who is in the building at night.
    1. Night head custodian updated each time work was completed after 3:15PM.
  7. Increasing the storage areas inside/outside of the building.
    1. Empty and removed a container and purchased a container.
  8. Removal and replacing deteriorated equipment and supplies.
    1. Outdoor containers excessed, electronics, chairs, and piano.
  9. Increasing parking areas for current faculty/staff and community members.
    1. School Architect provided plans to The State Education Department. (11 Spaces)
  10. Exploring alternative areas of external maintenance and landscaping.
    1. Hiring of additional summer custodial to assist with external maintenance.
  11. Securing a chief medical officer for the school district.
    1. Contract Approved With Dr. Byrnes
  12. Creation of a committee to explore the feasibility of a sensory room.
    1. Sensory Walk (Hallway)
  13. Enhancing our camera system and addition of hand-held radios.
    1. Revamp entire system, 46 cameras and 3 license plate readers. 4 new radios ordered.



Goal: Identify operational efficiencies and additional revenue sources in order to stay within the state mandated levy.

Evidence of Success:

  1. Ensuring Request For Proposals are completed on a five-year rotating basis.
    1. Ongoing & Completed (Fiscal Advisor & External Auditor)
  2. Discuss the feasibility of fixed rate of tuition for students in 7th-12th grade.
    1. Ongoing
  3. Exploring and considering the feasibility of a repair reserve.
    1. Completed (March 2024)
  4. Educationally sound and financially prudent budgets within the state mandated levy.
    1. Fiscally Prudent & Not Exceeding Levy