Music: Students in grades K-3 are working on St. Patrick’s Day songs and games while fourth graders compose music for an old Mickey Mouse Cartoon.The choruses are in full swing and are gearing up for the spring concerts.World Music has been working on songs for the performance in June.SCMEA vocal students just finished two weekends of intensive rehearsals and performed a fantastic performance this past Sunday. The Drama Club finished up a fabulous performance.
Spanish: The students are currently working on the following:
Grade 6:Analyzing class school schedules from a variety of Spanish speaking countries.
Grade 5: Dissecting family trees and giving verbal descriptions of relationships.
Grade 4:Retelling telephone numbers in a culturally authentic manner (grouping instead of single digits).
Grade 3: Investigating the weather through Latin America.
Grade 2: Labeling and matching various popular food vocabulary.
Grade 1: Naming farm animals.
Kindergarten: Counting from 1-10.
Kindergarten: Working on self-portraits and how to draw the parts of the face.
Grade 1: Learning about implied texture and how to use lines to make spring animals appear soft and fuzzy.
Grade 2: Learning about hot and cold colors and using them to symbolize a mood. Drawing and painting traditional Mexican suns and moons.
Grade 3: Learning about the Baroque period of art and recreating Johannes Vermeer’s famous painting,“Girl With a Pearl Earring.”
Grades 4 and 5: Working on designing agenda book covers for next year's agenda books. The theme this year is STEAM or science. The winning designs will be revealed the week before spring break.
Grade 6: Learning about figure drawing and illustration. Choosing a figure from Greek mythology to create an illustrative drawing and connecting with their recent reading of“Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief,” which was read in ELA.
Students have started to plant seeds in the greenhouse for the summer garden. All classes have started tomatoes, eggplant, onions and peppers.
Kindergarten: Will soon start seeds for their Mother’s Day gifts.
Grade 1: Has wrapped up a unit learning about seeds.
Grade 2: Learned about bugs and has spent a class period observing worms in the worm composter.
Grade 3: Finished learning about soil and has had their soil station day sifting, forming and mixing soil for our seed starting efforts.
Grade 4: The worm composting bin arrived, and students had a lab day working on experiments similar to Charles Darwin’s study of worms. Did you know worms don’t have eyes or ears? Don’t worry no worms were harmed in the experiments!
Grade 5: Completed their study of composting in their group project of compost jars and have recorded their results.
Grade 6: Brought home last month's successful plant propagations and conducted Darwin’s worm experiments in the greenhouse during science period.
Kindergarten: Students are learning about 2D and 3D shapes. They are preparing to make and test bubble wands using TinkerCAD and the school’s 3D printers.
Grade 1: First grade is reviewing 2D and 3D shapes. They are preparing to make and test bubble wands using TinkerCAD and our 3D printers.
Grade 2: Second Graders are learning about how 3D modeling and printing works. They will make backpack tags using TinkerCAD and our 3D printers.
Grade 3: Third Graders are researching a dinosaur of their choice. They will learn about their dinosaur and create a model of its skeleton.
Grade 4: The class is beginning a mini-golf unit. They will learn about simple machines and then work in groups to create mini-golf holes out of cardboard.
Grade 5: The fifth grade just wrapped up an Engineering Challenge Competition. Students will continue with 3D modeling and printing.
Grade 6: Sixth Grade is beginning a 3D modeling and printing unit. Students will create three unique projects and choose one item to send to the printer.
Library: This month marks the kickoff of Pick A Reading Partner (PARP) Month and our Beanstalk Reading Challenge, where students track their reading, earn badges, and participate in a school-wide challenge. Every grade has been introduced to the program, and we encourage families to join in by reading together at home and to reach out with any questions. Here’s what each grade has been up to in the library:
Kindergarten – Students have been enjoying fun, interactive read-alouds.
Grade 1: ELA lessons are supported by focusing on characters and settings in stories.
Grade 2: Students’ exploration of animal stories continues as they investigate how animals are portrayed in different literature genres.
Grade 3: After completing an illustrator study, the class has moved onto an author study, focusing on writers who have adapted traditional tales or drawn inspiration from folktales. One example is“The Gruffalo”by Julia Donaldson, which is based on a Chinese folktale.
Grade 4: Students are celebrating Women’s History Month by exploring biographies of inspiring women, including“Shark Lady”by Jess Keating and“The Oldest Student”by Rita L. Hubbard.
Grade 5: Students are being introduced to different reading tools and resources, while also discussing media balance as part of their digital citizenship lessons.
Grade 6: Students are creating book trailers using iMovie and Canva. This exciting project will wrap up with a book trailer showcase during the school’s upcoming book fair.
Physical Education:
The students participated in a fun game called Cageball. A giant ball is inflated, and students are arranged in a big square. Each student is assigned a corresponding number with peers from three other teams.When their number is called, students crab walk to the middle of the square and try to kick the ball over one of the other teams’ lines. The kids loved it!The circus is also back in town. Each grade will participate in two circus sessions, run by the National Circus Project team.The fifth and sixth grade will perform in the circus show at the conclusion of circus week.
Date Added: 3/13/2025