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November School Happenings in First Grade

First graders are proud to be known as Cartographers, as they recently completed their first literacy unit with a focus on mapmaking.The students are now moving into an animal research unit where they are listening to varieties of animal books and then writing their own informational book.The first graders are strong mathematicians and recognize that there are always multiple ways to solve a problem. They also know how important it is to show their work.The students are counting down the days to their first field trip to the Children’s Museum of the East End and can’t wait to tell everyone all about it! 

October School Happenings in First Grade

The first grade students are focusing on addition and subtraction strategies within 10. They are learning to add and subtract the numbers 0 and 1 from various numbers and are practicing double facts. The first graders haverecently been introduced to the ARC Literacy Lab, where students are developing the routines of successful readers. In writing, the children are becoming cartographers, creating maps of their homes, neighborhoods, towns, states, and even the world. They are not only making these maps but also writing pieces about the places in their maps. 

The first grade had a fantastic time at the Fall Frenzy. We want to thank the PTA and the special area teachers for making the start of this school year so special!