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Owen Stone a Winner in the Brookhaven National Laboratory Science Fair

Owen Stone is a sixth grade winner in the prestigious Brookhaven National Laboratory Elementary Science Fair thumbnail259762
Owen Stone is a sixth grade winner in the prestigious Brookhaven National Laboratory Elementary Science Fair thumbnail259763
Owen Stone is a sixth grade winner in the prestigious Brookhaven National Laboratory Elementary Science Fair thumbnail259764
Owen Stone is a sixth grade winner in the prestigious Brookhaven National Laboratory Elementary Science Fair thumbnail259765

The District is pleased to announce that student Owen Stone is a sixth grade winner in the prestigious Brookhaven National Laboratory Elementary Science Fair. Owen’s winning project was titled, “Can common foods help grow potatoes?”

Projects submitted to the elementary science fair are judged by a rubric, which considers the originality of a question, the hypothesis and definition of the problem, the ability to follow the scientific method or engineering design process, the project’s investigation trials, data collection and analysis and the conclusion. The project must also raise a new hypothesis or question and have real-world implications.

As a winner, Owen has also been invited to attend the Suffolk County Legislature Meeting, to be held in Riverhead on June 25.

The district congratulates Owen on this outstanding accomplishment.

Date Added: 6/17/2024